Leiritie Open Week 2023

2 Oct 2023 - 6 Oct 2023

Metropolia Myyrmäki Campus

Leiritie 1, 01600 Vantaa

Cafeteria stage, lobby and Demotila


Event is free and it doesn't require registration.

  • #openweek2023
  • #leiritieopenweek

Welcome to Metropolia's Myyrmäki campus from October 2nd to 6th to experience and envision the future!

Leiritie Open Week 2023 welcomes you from Monday to Friday, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Throughout the week, we will showcase campus activities to our partners, businesses, students, and anyone interested in our operations. In addition to engaging discussions and panel talks, you will have the opportunity to taste future foods and experience the latest innovations hands-on. Other themes include securing the future, education-based immigration, lifelong learning, and mitigating climate change. Inspiring conversations, networking opportunities, and coffee will be available every day during the event. All events are free of charge and do not require registration.

Open Week 2023 offers a chance to explore the campus's teaching, research, and innovation activities, including Robo Garage, AIoT Garage, Urbanfarmlab, and the upcoming Carbon Stable.


Mon 2.10. Continuous learning & international Finland (Cafeteria stage)

  • 13.00 Opening remarks by Innovation Director Merja Rehn
    - Overview of the theme of the day (Pekko Lindblom, Merja Rehn, Anu Luoma)
  • 13.20 Metropolia involved in humanitarian work through education:
    - Oodi project - Higher education opportunities for Ukrainians (Outi Lemettinen)
    - Interview, Pekko Lindblom interviews an Oodi project trainee
  • 13.50 Information about Metropolia's sevices for immigrants (Outi Lemettinen)
    - Preparatory programme for higher education studies in English (PrepProg -project)
    - SIMHE
  • 14.30 Phenomenology and learning:
    - Autonomous modular solutions (Kari Heikkilä)
    - Intelligent autonomous transport (Pekko Lindblom)
    - Smart countryside mobility (Harri Miinin)
    - Metropolia's new Green Transition Training (Harri Nordlund)
  • 15.15 DEMOTILA: Hidden job markets in Finland (Anu Luoma, Pekko Lindblom)
  • 16.00 Continuous learning and other Metropolia education news:
    - Digital Career Boost trainings (Pekko Lindblom)
    - Applications open for immigrants' preparatory training (Katja Rahikainen, Tiia Ylhäinen-Holstila)
  • 16.30 Master's in Industrial management & IT (Sami Sainio)
    - Technology studies in support of engineering education (Timo Hietala)

Tue 3.10. Geopolitics in transition - how do we prepare? (Cafeteria stage)

  • 13.00 Coffee break and visit to the cooperation platforms
  • 14.00 Opening of the seminar, Merja Rehn, Innovation Director, Metropolia
  • 14.10 Impact of the changing security environment on Finland's security of supply, Janne Känkänen, Managing Director, Huoltovarmuuskeskus
  • 14.35 Information interaction as part of our hybrid threat, Military Professor Aki-Mauri Huhtinen, MPKK
  • 15.00 Panel discussion

Wed 4.10. Food from land, air and water - new food innovations (Cafeteria stage)

A taste of the future!

  • 13.00 Coffee break and visit to the collaboration platforms
  • 14.00 Welcome, Innovation Director Merja Rehn
  • 14.10 Circular economy from insects - Project Manager Tiina Siimekselä and Expert Henna Pitkänen, JAMK
  • 14.30 Discussion and wondering
  • 14.40 New technologies for food production - Cellular agriculture - Anneli Ritala, Senior Expert, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • 15.00 Discussion and wondering
  • 15.10 Making the most of the less valuable - Recovering everything from fish - Special Researcher Jaakko Hiidenhovi, Natural Resources Institute Finland
  • 15.30 Discussion and wondering
  • 15.40 Food of the future - tastings on offer!

Thu 5.10. Business Vantaa and cluster activities and Metropolia's RDI activities bring together companies, students and experts! (Cafeteria stage)

  • Open innovations in the built environment, Mervi Abell & Sami Jokelainen
  • Food waste reduction and utilisation in food services, Mari Itkonen & Heidi Nikula
  • Anticipating Vantaa's skills needs, Yrjö Myllylä
  • Future sustainable food ecosystem, Jussi Shemeikka
  • Talent Vantaa - Growing businesses with international skills Santeri Raappana
  • Flow of challenges from the city to businesses Mika Lammi
  • How to attract more SMEs to the capital region? Sergey Troshko

City of Vantaa

  • Cluster development in Vantaa, Panu Vuorimaa
  • Tikkurila Campus of Excellence, Ulla Boer, presenting the project at the stand
  • Vantaa Innovation Games, Anu Salmela & Laila Bröcker

Myyrmäki's project activities will be presented. A channel for credits, inventing and developing innovations, building skills and experience. Myyrmäki has 8 ongoing projects, with new projects starting in January.

There will also be an interesting and concrete Small Business Competitive Advantage for Responsibility - Make your business visible workshop (8.30-11.30) offered by the project Green Transition, Resilience and Digitalisation of Enterprises (REACT, Southern Finland) at Demotila.

Fri 6.10. Robots and AI are coming! (Cafeteria stage)

  • 13-13.05 What's a Garage?
  • 13.05-13.15 Introduction of the Garage Club
  • 13.15-14.15 DEMOTILA: Round table discussion.
  • -Discussants Petri Kanerva Google, Mikko Heikkilä Beckhoff and Pia Engström Robotiikkakampus and Kari Tammi Aalto University
  • 14.20 Presentation of the AutoJoe mobile robot. Come and see what Metropolia's own Mars Rover looks like!
  • 14.40 Drone show
  • 15-17 Garaget open, projects on display + come and say hello to the team!
  • 15-17 Pizzeria opens / Mozzarella, chicken and pepperoni pizza
  • 17-17.30 Beckhoff info / recruitment
  • 17.30-21.00 Sauna time + snacks available
  • Welcome!